Leaves pointing up...

Yeah... this guy again, used the search feature to try to get an answer but nothing came up.  All my peppers have nicely 'fanned' out leaves acting like sun whores except for my reapers.  Their leaves are nice and flat however they've started to 'suck' in towards the plant and point upwards.  I'll get a photo to help diagnose the problem tomorrow.  This is their story...
Soil = mixture of sand, manure/compost, perli/vermi, peat ( in ~ 1/4 amounts of each)
pH = not exactly sure however somewhere near neutral ( did the vinegar/baking soda caveman method )
6 - 8 hours of sun each day
...smallish plants in fair sized pots
...got their first dose of nutes a few days ago with very light Cal/Mag.. been receiving pond water and rain water for dihydrogen monoxide
... were treated for aphids a few days ago
Also, I checked the temps of the soil ( top layer with a temp gun ) today and it was reading 100 F.  Should I be worried about the temperatures reaching that high?
Going to check for snails right now - be back shortly

I want to add that last week we were hit with some serious heat for 3 days and now night time temperatures are back to normal ( 55 F + at night )
Just leave it alone, and see what the new growth does.  That's really your only option, anyway.  Be careful that you're not overwatering, in the meantime.