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Leaving the stems on peppers

Before my hot peppers go the blender I pluck off the stems. Does anyone leave the stems on? Is there a noticeable difference in taste? My blender obliterates anything that goes in it.
Yes...me too!     And I also eat leaves on my pineapples!     And I have a penchant for sarcasm!
The Hot Pepper said:
take the sum bitches off
deseed your peppers
and peel your lemons
peeled lemons  :rolleyes:  pl ease 
i suppose you take the wrappers off your eggs first too ?
i eat my boiled eggs with the crunchy wrapper 
:drunk:  :cheers:
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
peeled lemons  :rolleyes:  pl ease 
i suppose you take the wrappers off your eggs first too ?
i eat my boiled eggs with the crunchy wrapper 
:drunk:  :cheers:

It must feel like ninja throwing stars during exit time