sun LEDs for SunBlaze T5 HO Fixtures?

I have a couple Sun Blaze T5 HO 24 fixtures that I got several years ago for indoor growing. These fixtures have worked well, but I've had to replace a couple bulbs every season. With LED being more available, I'm looking for options to replace the T5 bulbs with LEDs as they die out. One option seems to be the AgroLED iSunlight T5, which supposedly would work with any T5 HO fixture. However, they are a bit pricey when compared to the cheapo T5s I've been getting from Amazon.
Is anybody using the above lights for these fixtures specifically? Or used any type of Plug and Play LED tube with an existing T5 fixture? 
I have seen those led bulbs and been tempted, but stuck to the cheap ones with the old of it ain't broke don't fix if mentality. I still wanna dabble with some led so it may still happen eventually. I'll be interested to hear others experience with these.
Mr.joe said:
I have seen those led bulbs and been tempted, but stuck to the cheap ones with the old of it ain't broke don't fix if mentality. I still wanna dabble with some led so it may still happen eventually. I'll be interested to hear others experience with these.
Yeah, that's my thinking as well - I can pay ~$25 for 5 bulbs, or ~20 for 1 LED... I know the LED will outlive the other ones (but for how long?), is cheaper to run and produces more light. It's definitely something to ponder.
Joshuap2000 said:
These may work, i saw them at my local store around Christmas time.
Yup, those are similar to the ones I'm referencing. I'm hoping somebody could chime in with their experience using them to see if they're worth buying.