food Left over smoked pork parts


Let whatever pork parts you have, simmer in a pot or crock in water until falling apart.

Soak a ton of beans, split peas, lentils, or WHATEVER TF overnight until swollen up and fit to split.

(cranberry beans have de-throned pintos in my world)

Add soaked beans to the pork and water, adding a ton of pepper powder, salt, garlic , and onion. Add fresh peppers if you have 'em.

(got a 7 pot in with a batch now....;))

Make some REAL corn bread......christ, I am tired now, bother me for a recipe that involves little to NO wheat flour tomorrow.

Serve with said corn bread.

CHEERS. :cheers:
Not the PINTO'S Cheezy!! Nooooooooo...I love leftover porkage. Leftover chops or loin usually gets sliced up thin and into a pan with butter sauteed onions and garlic, then hit with beer and a hot sweet bbq sauce. Makes a great poke' sloppy joe sammich or just roll it up on a flour tortilla with melted whatever laying around the fridge cheese. Some might look down their noses about eating leftovers (mrs. blues) and call it ghetto but its all cool and the gang hot blue and righteous to me!

Salute', TB.
If you ever smoke the whole pig, I REAAAALLLY recomend the eyeballs. Just remove (or spit out) the iris and the rest is tasty!!!!
Sounds really good cheezy but I have a question........Do you own a camera????? :lol:

If the answer is yes then you have no excuse not to display this tasty meal and tease the hell out of us.....:D