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Lemon Vs Pineapple

Just came across a variety called aji pineapple, has anyone grown it? Is it very similar to the aji lemon? The point of my question is that I'm going to be growing some aji lemon and was wondering if the pineapple is different enough to warrant growing it alongside the lemons.

Just found this..Not much but something. http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/24339-aji-lemon-drop-vs-aji-pineapple/
Cheers MGOLD, I had seen that thread already but wanted to start another one because it didn't provide all that much in the way of info. Thanks for posting it all the same :halo:

From what I hear the pineapple tastes nothing like pineapple and is in general not as tasty as the lemon but similar. I wouldn't recommend it if you're already growing the lemons.
i grew it this past season and there wonderfull, i did notice however a few differances between the pineaple and the lemod drop

the pinapple had almost the same same citrus flavor but not as hot as the lemon

the other things i noticed are that the fruit was a little bigger and the pineapple is not quite as prolific as the lemondrop this can be offset by just growing many plants

i enjoyed both but the pineapple would be my choice for everyday eating they are quite enjoyable and i am growing them again this year
ps keep them far enough apart so you can tell the diffeance if you decide to grow both

thanks i hope this helps your friend Joe