• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Leo's superhots 2014

Hello guys, i've started my 2014 cultivation two weeks ago (more or less). I haven't space enough to grow all the varieties that i'd like (i haven't got any garden) therefore the choice of the variety to grow have been very hard. 
That's the final list that i "built": 
C. Chinenese:

- Mata Frade
- 7 pot Barrackpore
- 7 pot Brain strain
- 7 Madballz
- 7 pot Bubblegum (still in germbox)
- Fatalii White
- Black Naga
- Red Douglah Billy Boy
- Trinidad Perfume
- Haba Chocolate
- Carolina Reaper 
- Jay's ghost scorpion peach
- Moruga Red
- Moruga Chocolate
- Moruga Caramel 
- Bih jolokia Caramel (still in germbox) 
- Pink Tiger (still in germbox)
- Yaki Blue (still in germbox)

C. Annuum
- Goat's weed
- Fluorescenses
- Patty (soon in germbox)
When I understand how to post pictures, i'll do it :D 
Nice list you've got there Leo :)....welcome too. Hopefully you'll get the whole picture thing figured out...cant wait to see it. :)
Leo Italy said:
Hello guys, i've started my 2014 cultivation two weeks ago (more or less). I haven't space enough to grow all the varieties that i'd like (i haven't got any garden) therefore the choice of the variety to grow have been very hard. 
That's the final list that i "built": 
C. Chinenese:

- Mata Frade
- 7 pot Barrackpore
- 7 pot Brain strain
- 7 Madballz
- 7 pot Bubblegum (still in germbox)
- Fatalii White
- Black Naga
- Red Douglah Billy Boy
- Trinidad Perfume
- Haba Chocolate
- Carolina Reaper 
- Jay's ghost scorpion peach
- Moruga Red
- Moruga Chocolate
- Moruga Caramel 
- Bih jolokia Caramel (still in germbox) 
- Pink Tiger (still in germbox)
- Yaki Blue (still in germbox)

C. Annuum
- Goat's weed
- Fluorescenses
- Patty (soon in germbox)
When I understand how to post pictures, i'll do it :D
Hi italian countryman! Nice list!
To post pictures you should use some external services, like http://min.us
Penny said:
Nice list you've got there Leo :)....welcome too. Hopefully you'll get the whole picture thing figured out...cant wait to see it. :)
Thank you!!! I'm trying to post pictures!!
OKGrowin said:
still a good list for having limited space!
Thank you!! I'd love to grow all the varieties that i have, but it's impossible  :tear:
Essegi said:
Hi italian countryman! Nice list!
To post pictures you should use some external services, like http://min.us
Nice to meet you italian friend! I'll follow your advice, thanks!! 
Hello everybody, i'm sorry for having disappeared for such a long period but i've been very very busy during those months.  :eek:  
I'm still wondering if i ever will succeed in uploading the pictures of my growing experience  2014  :banghead: . Actually i got lots of wonderful and tasting peppers that i would be glad to show you.I do really hope to show you soon some of pics.
I've just started planning my 2015 list of variety, does anyone want to exchange some seeds with me? Above all the varieties i grew up this year, I've got many others. 