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Lessening light

At what point can plants be weaned off of the CFL's and go to 12 hours of sunlight? I'm really wanting to pot them all up and be done with it.
well its called hardening off, and there are many variables that come into play, but you can start really at any time you want you just need to introduce the sun to them slowly untill they dont wilt at all when in the sun usually about 2 weeks is the going average
I've been hardening them off for about a week now..Up to 3 - 4 hours of sun a day and they're doing great. A little bit of drooping to them but they spring back up quickly. I'll give them another week..Thanks!
As quickly as you want or have the ability to do. Like spongey600 said, 2 weeks is good. But you might not loose any plants if you don't even do it at all.

meinchoh, are you really in Mentor? Aren't you expecting another hard frost before Memorial Day?
Yes, I am in Mentor and I have no clue if we are to have another hard frost or not? My plants are going to remain in 3 gallon containers, not in-ground. They'll either stay in the sunroom or go outside during the day and come in at night.

Are you new to the area? I can tell you, we will, more than likely, have more snow and below freezing temps. I usually plant out around Mother's Day around here. This year, I may try to plant some stuff around the beginning of May.
neoguy, no, I'm not new to the area. I understand how our weather is but I'm NOT planting outside. I said above that my plants will stay in containers, so I'll be able to move them in and out. My question dealt strictly with light, but I believe that they are adequately hardened off by now. They spent over 4 hours in the sun today and did not droop. Thanks to all!
Sorry, I just assumed when you said "hardening off" that you where planning to plant in the ground soon. I grew up in the Cleveland area.