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soil letting soil sit and brew for a while ?

Just wondering if any 1 here lets there soil sit and brew before they use the soil. I just mixed up my OF and HF soil. So I can re pot in a few days. Might even add so e Mykoes to it first. I know ill be adding big chunk pearlite.
if you add some stuff it's a good idea to let it sit before you pot into it example: lime supposed to wait for some reactions to take place so your ph stabilizes.
also when you add mykos it is a great idea to water the soil with a little diluted molasses to feed the mykos and let it sit a few days so it can multiply to get maximum benefits from the inauguration, just my $.02
OK guys i mixed the soil and added a gallon of declored water ad mixed it a bit. I will prolly end up using it tomorrow. But we will see, I wanted to wait a bit. But I am having to pinch flower starts of at 2 months. So I think I may be a bit root bound. In my 4 inch pots.
it will work fine im sure, whether you let it sit or not, feed your mykos! a couple of tblsps of molasses to a gal of water and water as needed(mix well obviously)
Absolutely man...
I did and so the same thing, check my glog....I mixed up a bale of pro mix HP with some fresh EWC from my worm factory and a nutrient kit from buildasoil.com, moistened and let sit under a tarp for a week or so...then pot your plants and watch the magic happen...
Depends entirely on your starting soil.
If your soil isn't hot (aka its made up of mature compost and matured manure etc) then you don't have to wait before planting in it ... it will not harm your plants at all. Probably a good idea to add some good bacteria/mycos to the root zone for an additional boost at planting time but that isn't absolutely necessary.
On the other hand if you have put non composted fresh amendments into a soil (aka a hot mix) try to lett it sit for at least 2-3 months before planting.
Anything commercially available to buy ready made is unlikely to be hot.
By that I mean bagged commercial soil