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Light Options

I have a 600 watt one in a 5'x6' room in the basement and if  keep the door closed, it will. get up into the mid seventies, but with the door open it it only a little warmer than the ambient temp. 
There isn't that much heat given off. You will be fine. 
No cooling for the bulb at all. 
Depends on how cold the ambient temperature in your garage gets and how large of a space you plan to "heat" with the light.  If you build/purchased a small growbox, I'm sure it would work fine.  

I steer clear of generic grow supplies because I'm terrified of burning my house down.... lol.... for not tooo much more you could get a lumatek setup.....

This combo has a nicer reflector,  and with a lumatek ballast is only $100 more than what you're considering 
