Light Questions

I'm replacing all my light setups and looking for the best choice.
Looking for EXTREME lights, like HP systems.
Don't want to start with Metal Halide and than switch to High Pressure Sodium. I want a single type of light, so I'll have some peace.
I've heard of some those HPS lamps with more blue temps, but are they any good?
Thought I'll go with those Agro lamps, but so many options.
For example I can get real cheap some of Sylvania's GrowLux lamps. the ones with 2050K.
The question is, can they really replace MH? I don't mean if they're good enough for growing, but are they as good as MH?
Right now I have some 5500K and 6500K making the plants grow like they're on steroids.
I want something at least as good.

Thanks! :onfire:
Get 1 ea MH and 1 ea HPS luminaire and mix the light. Comes out very close to daylight color temp and does well with both sprouts and fruiting plants.
Omri said:
I'm replacing all my light setups and looking for the best choice.
Looking for EXTREME lights, like HP systems.
Don't want to start with Metal Halide and than switch to High Pressure Sodium. I want a single type of light, so I'll have some peace.
I've heard of some those HPS lamps with more blue temps, but are they any good?
They are better then regular HPS but they remain HPS i.e. mostly yellow light.
Omri said:
Thought I'll go with those Agro lamps, but so many options.
For example I can get real cheap some of Sylvania's GrowLux lamps. the ones with 2050K.
Growlux is one of the best HPS lamps to buy dollar/performance but not what you want to grow peppers.
Omri said:
The question is, can they really replace MH? I don't mean if they're good enough for growing, but are they as good as MH?
Omri said:
Right now I have some 5500K and 6500K making the plants grow like they're on steroids.
I want something at least as good.
Thanks! :onfire:
The only thing you can buy that is close to 5500K-6500K is the Hortilux MH blue.
ok, thanks.
What about cheaper 4000K/4500K MHs? Maybe then I could split the cost to one MH and one HPS for each lamp.
From experience I can tell you that the cheapest HPS lamp combined with a T5 HO 54 watts actinic plus works perfectly if not superior or equal to the very expensive hortilux blue.
The HPS bulb is about 20$, 24$ for the actinic tube and 35$ for the T5 fixture.

HPS GE Lucalox

T5 POWERCHROME actinic plus

Other MH bulb will work fine but the absolute best MH lamp in theory is the hortilux blue.
Is it worth the extra $$$ I'm not sure. Probably not.

Hortilux MH Blue

The thing is I'm looking to cover a relatively large area.
Just the T5 lamps alone will cost me more than both the cheapest MH and HPS lamps together.
It's just easier getting 400W/600W HP bulbs (and cheaper).
I guess I won't have the peace I wanted...
OK...this is as good a place as any....I have several different color temperature Phillips florescent bulbs...3000k, 4100K, 6400K and I think a 5XXXK...what colors work best for growing peppers?.....hope i didn't hijack a dead thread Omri
I'm building my very own little "grow box", and I think I'll use a combo of 6500K lights with standard HPS.
The 6500K are excellent for getting bigger plants, leaves and just more of them.
Although, the 6500K alone are not good enough for the flowering and fruits.
My guess is 6500K for leaves, and as much red as you can for flowering.
so the 3000K is red and is better for flowering/fruiting while the 6500K is more blue and for growth?
I say spend the cash on a small outdoor greenhouse .
leave the indoor lights to the weed growers.
Can't beat the sun.

Each to their own! I love it when Im doing my little batches of indoor under lights crop specific chilli plants!:cool:
If the wife would let me put a greenhouse in the back yard, I would not be asking these questions...(being a smart-a** here)

Still...anyone got a color temperature recommendation for growth and flowering/fruiting....

From all that I have says red for flower/fruit, blue for growth...

Anyone with experience on this?
Peppers will flower and grow at the same time so a mix of bulbs would likely be best but are you trying to grow peppers indoors or just get a head start on the spring?
Peppers will flower and grow at the same time so a mix of bulbs would likely be best but are you trying to grow peppers indoors or just get a head start on the spring?

Just trying to get a head start on spring for the most part. Hopefully I will have the seedlings about 6-8 inches tall or taller with sturdy stems (using fan to exercise them). So I currently am using a bluish spectrum light for the seedlings (6500K color temperature fluorescent bulbs).

Now, I am going to try and develop some hybrids this year also. That is the main reason I have made my "grow-box". I want to keep them in isolation with just the parents in the box. I am going to build another "twin" for my one grow-box that will be used for keeping one variety pure. Have not figured out which variety that will be yet.

All in all, the answer to your question is yes and yes...growing seedlings for transplant outdoors and growing a few plants inside.

Thanks for input...
I noticed Lowes sells MH and HPS bulbs, would these be a good choice? Another question I could not find any fixtures for these bulbs there. Has anyone seen these fixtures at a Lowes or Home Depot?