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Little Burnt Scorp and 7 pot Brain

I posted on these two little plants a few weeks ago thinking I had cooked them with sunburn. As is usual around here got lots of response and encouragement that they would do OK. Well looks like there starting to kick ass.

When I first got them


The Burn - 07/10



And now

7 pot Brain


T Scorp


Guess these'll be late bloomers, but looking forward to them
Peppers are very resilient plants. Mine went through much worse, first sunburn, and then a month of cold wet weather without a chance to recover from the sunburn first. They are doing great now, may actually get a pod or two before my season shuts down mid September. Your season in the San Joaquin valley should be a month longer, and there is always the over winter option.

I hope they do great for you!
They can be pretty tough, I have a goats weed and kung pao that got hammered by hail. The goats weed has a branch that got ripped from the plant, so I duct taped it and now the branch has pods and flowers. The kung pao I couldn't glue it back together but a shot of epsom salts, hydrogen peroxide and seaweed water and it is now starting to produce pods. My tepin has lost all its leaves, twice, since June and now has all its leaves back. My hot lemon had a reaction to the seaweed water and most of the leaves have your burned appearance but they are coming back and have pods.

Tough critters they are!