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Little holes in peppers???

When my peppers are just about to ripen, I am seeing little holes in the fruit. The holes are not much bigger than a pin head. Is this a worm or some kind of bug boring into the peppers? Any help appreciated!

sounds like fruit flies, open one up you will find a small worn or egg sack spray with neem and soap( Not detergent) and spray the ground under plants. I us two tablespoons of each to one gal of water.
I always get a few especially early pods. Usually you will find if you open them up the seed and membrane is black. Don't know what to do except throw away the affected pods. Not much help. :(
Yeah I always get a few too. I hate it. Slicing up pods to put them into the dehydrator and you go through one and this black crap is all over the insides. Got to get up and wash the knife, toss the pod away. Freaking bugs.