Live Plants Available Now


Hey guys. Just got some work done on the site. I now have a number of varieties of superhots and habaneros for sale on my site now. The pics are pretty recent, but the plants are all ranging in 7-12" now and some are already starting to bud. Check em out. If you would like to place an order for more than one plant let me know before you place it. Im working on the shipping calculations for combined orders at the moment. Let me know what you think. Live Plants for Sale

If you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions, please stop by my guestbook and leave me your thoughts.

Thanks everybody,
Wow, I actually grew up in Amarillo. Around MediPark/Bishop Estates and later on Westover Park. Went to Tascosa and Randall High!!! Havent even heard that word in some time. Hows the growing up there? Do you overwinter your plants? I was too young and inexperienced with the whole gardening thing then except for my gparents yard and just started new every season with store bought plants.

Thanks for the comments. I have been curious of the reviews. In just the last half a week, they went from averaging 4-8" to all being roughly 10-13" all around. Ill be posting a bit of a grow log soon. I have to get some into bigger containers and out in the sun first. I have some updates on the Purple Bhut Jolokia I need to put up too. About 8" now with two strong quarter inch thick plants together in one little nursery pot. Not sure if I should try to seperate em cause I dont want to put them in shock. Wondering if I could cut on out and put it in a cloning kit. Only on problem there. Never cloned before. So.... We shall see.