Local Businesss Groups

Hey. Any of you heavy hitters (established companies) belong to your Local Chamber of Commerce? If so, what benefits have you seen from being a member?
DevilDuck said:
Hey. Any of you heavy hitters (established companies) belong to your Local Chamber of Commerce? If so, what benefits have you seen from being a member?


I have not joined the chamber, but I did join the NC dept. of Agriculture which is called Goodness Grows in North Carolina. It is free and they promote local products, have seminars etc. It has been a valuable tool.

Joining the Chamber of Commerce is highly suggested, I just haven't taken the time.

We have done like Blue and joined a state program "Go Texan", haven't joined the Chamber but probably will once we get a new building. Can't hurt, more people seeing your name.

woohoo 100 posts...
chiliman said:
The Chamber here in Charlotte is fairly expensive for us little hitters. Though I am an established hot dog vender, I still cannot stomach the $400+ per year.

Yo Chiliman:

I'm in need of a good dog. Location?????? What kind a dogs ya got? Sebretta's ? (sp)

I'll be uptown on Monday the 19th, unfortunately by the Charlotte/Meck courthouse. Would you like to buy a 19 year idiot?
