Local TV appearance


Last week, I was invited to participate in a SCETV (PBS) television show called "Making it Grow." It is a "live" program done by the SC Dept. of Agriculture. They did give me a fair bit of airtime and oddly enough I was more nervous in this than most of my day job police dealings. My "special lady friend" killed it with the visuals (props where due). Don't know the range of audience, but I ain't complaining on the results...... ;)   Here's the link. A bit dry - but was fun nonetheless... There were a myriad of rules of things you could/couldn't say. That was a challenge. Did the best I could. If your time/interest permit, check it out.
I just finished watching, and it's a really cool informational show it seems. I'd be super excited about being featured on something like that.
You did great!  It's hard enough to talk sensibly with a microphone in your face, let alone having to remember what TO and NOT to say!  Well done!   :clap:
Thanks guys/gals. I am a very blessed man.  :P
Only the one lady "Suzy" who introduced me, tried the products. She did so months ago and that's how I got there - at her behest. A few others after the show tried the salt which was on open display. One cameraman, then a lady with a heaping little spoonful before I could warn her - she went into temporary distress in front of everyone and "taste time"  was over. Everybody else bowed out. I gave away all the bottles I brought as props to all the folks there. Perhaps they will try them at their own pace....    The steak was dinner next evening, delicious! 
Great job Reggie.

Is it bad that after I saw it was on SCETV I was secretly hoping for a little SCTV cooking with Johnny larue vibe. Lol. That host lady so easily could have been a Andrea Martin character.
Can't fault you there, that show produced many wonderful actors/comedians. As a kid when I visited my mom in Niagara Falls for the summer, I would watch the show. I loved the McKenzie brothers eh? Take off Hoser!