Long time pepper grower

Long time pepper grower, but it was with nursery bought stock plants. Late last year, I decided to raise my own, from seeds, how hard can that be, right? Well...

That's why I'm on just about every pepper forum that exists so that I can really dive deep into pepper growing without having to retread all the mistakes and missteps I made along the way and just ride the coattails of people who screwed up before me and have sorted out the process of what works and what doesn't. I got over the curve when it came to raising superhots from other growers, but that pales in comparison to sprouting a seed, raising a seedling to be strong enough to survive outdoors, and then getting your outdoor garden rolling all while competing with pests, diseases, light settings, nutrients, and time constraints.

Anyways, it's a pleasure to be here, and, like my user name, my plants are only mostly dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive.

So there's hope.