Look at my Perlite and Vermiculite Score! (Florida)

After some digging and calling around I found the cheapest place to buy perlite and vermiculite in my area. If anyone lives around Florida look up Diamond R Fertilizer. They have locations everywhere The perlite was 10 dollars and the vermiculite was 15. 4 cuft each. 
For scale I let my nosey boxer dogs smell it. Oh, and my dogs are 100lb boxers to give you an idea lol. 


Perlite and Vermiculite are pretty light lol. The Vermiculite was 25lbs and the Perlite was 19lbs. I'm in garden heaven right now. 
yeah mine was pretty much the same, i had to call nurseries etc before i found one too.
They prices are great! They're a huge fertilizer company but they sell to the public. They guy told me to tell my friends and have them call! So I'm telling everyone! :D 

COARSE Just how I like it, Nice and chunky....
hummm that came out weird :P
No but really, I like it to be coarse and not those little floaters that Miracle Grow sells.
My garage has dry cleaning business things in it. :) 
I had no idea when I first started gardening that those little tiny white things in Miracle grow were actually perlite lol. 
Koreansoul said:
My garage has dry cleaning business things in it. :)
I had no idea when I first started gardening that those little tiny white things in Miracle grow were actually perlite lol. 
And they always float up to the top... *face palm*
queequeg152 said:
that crap is polystyrene from what i know. cheaper probably.
btw, perlite floats too lol. tho not so much so?
The small stuff doesn't get stuck and frees up and floats to the top, whereas the coarse stuff stays put in the soil better because it has more surface area to stay lodged in the soil.
I thought I was doing good at double those prices up here in money grubbin' Connecticut. $22.00 for horticultural perlite up here for 4cu ft. And yessiree, it sure is nice havin all that perlite to make magic mix. I just made up another soil mix a couple days ago and I added new compost made with  Lobster debris. Nothing but the best for my kids!