Look what IIIIIII Haaaave!!


Since I know people in the beer world (thank god for hook ups like these), I received from the new Samuel Adams test voting a few of the test bottles (I have last years empties and all of this years empties from both Sample A and B). I have here, their test run of the Pilsner. Sample B was the IPA (not pictured as it has already been opened). Here’s my review:

Pours to a small head that dissipated to a small ring around the glass. Very light lacing, clear bear with loads of carbonation. The taste is overly malty with too thick of a body for the style. Some hop presence but most notably the bittering hops. Drinkable (much more so out of the correct glassware), but not the best example for the style.
Interesting. I'm not a huge S.A. fan generally, but they make a good seasonal mixed case. Guess what I will haz soon,..........Vertical Epic 9-09-09! My local beer guy is getting two cases.