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Looking for a best guess only

I have come into possession of some new peppers from Mexico. The Cancun area to be exact. they are red but not deep dark red, thin skinned and full of seeds. The size is that of cumari du para, (the round variety). The aroma reminded me of scorpions, It was fruity with slight floral wafts to it. This little berry of a chili actually smelled of super hotness.
geeme said:
Hey! You edited your post after I posted! No fair!  :lol:
It may well be a cumari, just not a round one.
It dont smell anything like the cumaris I have grown in the past, I am not saying it isnt but, I swear, if I was doing a blind fold test i would have guesses a Trinidad scorpion.
Actually, another variety of cumari wouldn't hurt my feelings at all, I really like the yellow ones I grew last year and this year again. It will probably be on all my future grows.

OK, guess we will go with cumarie du para for now, at least till I can pump these guys up to putting out some pods and get a few off to Nigel.