I have two red ghost pepper plants,orange habenero, jamaican red no pods yet !chocolate hab/ yellow brain strain still seeds in the soil but no pods yet but got my FIRST pod on one of the bhuts:-) so im looking for a few 1or 2 pods to try I want to taste to see what there like ive had the red bhut fresh wow thats all I can say about that but yah would really like to try some fresh variety ?fatalli, ylw brain strain ,red savana,ylw bhut ect if you could spare anything id pay for the pods/shipging?

PM me if able

Thanks Smitty....
Alot of pepperheads but no peppers huh
Well at least im not alone Lol (pepper head and no peppers) lol got plants but nooo peppers!!!! Surelly theres sombody that can hook a brothet up????
I have some auctions going on currently as well.

started 4 boxes at 1$ plus whatever shipping is on the small frb (5.35 as it turns out).

bhuts, 7pots, habs, bonnets, ornamentals, various cayennes... Decent mix I think for it being so early.

One of the boxes is still sitting at 10$+5.35 shipping also. Which is reasonable compared to some. Auctions end tonight between 9:30 and 10:30 (different ones, different times).

I'll likely have more in the future as well.
FREMP as far as bakers peppers go ill be looking elsewhere cause ive left two emails the one asking for help placeing a order cause his web I beleive is down and spokanman and another also repleyed wanting peppers or whatever and had the same issue but then dale repleys and says hell ck into it asap and then the next reply about ordering is SORRY GUYS A( wholeseller) bought the last x amount a pounds sooo im like as business professional he should have taken care of those (first in line) but I dont know maybe im being new at this and dont know how this selling peppers business go but yah
well smitty,I don't have any now,but when I do start pumping some pods out,ill hook you up. If you don't find any in the mean time:)
Thanks Fremp I dont know what you have but I have red naga jolokia , carribean red, jamaican hot red, and when I get some pods I can do the same if you like I also have some yellow brain strain, and yellow trinidad scorpion but those just sprouted

Tell you what, I'll put some in the mail for you - free.

Just keep my auctions in mind when I put some up in the future.

I'll send some mixed pods - picked a bunch of bhuts and nagas today... So it will probably be mostly those. Also some of my pepper powder.

Just PM me your address. I tried to PM this to you, but your box is full.
