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Looking for Opinions on What May be Happening

I posted on another thread, but I want to start a new one to address the issue. This stuff seems to spread fast to both potted and inground plants. Any idea what this disease is? It seems to affect mostly pepper plants and is very bad.

I'm hoping these close-ups will provide a better view.





It might be some kind of bacterial spot. it doesn't matter, get rid of them all.
I'm sorry for your crop. :(
Not sure what it is but obviously its serious and so sorry to hear about your losses. Do you think it cwuld have originated from seed, or from soil?
If I was you I would take soil sample to closest nursery to see if you have soil problem causing that leafs on your plant look that way.
Hi Chris....

Which plants are suffering from this issue? Is it, Bhut, 7pot, Naga Dorsett or, Naga Morich? If any of these varieties are suffering from this blight, then it is safe to say it is not seed transferred disease. None of the plants that you send me seed for are suffering from the disease. It is more likely you had got this from either soil or, from some other pepper plant.

Sorry to hear about your plants man... :(
Omri said:
It might be some kind of bacterial spot. it doesn't matter, get rid of them all.
I'm sorry for your crop. :(

I'm in agreement with Omri, this happened to me one year and before I knew what happened it spread to all my peppers...get rid of the infected plants immediately, and monitor your other plants, if they show any sighn of disease get rid of them.....DO NOT plant these out or your will infect your soil! Good Luck.