wanted Looking for Rocoto seeds

I have several different varieties available:
Brown Rocoto
Cherry Rocoto
Giant Mexican Rocoto
Orange Rocoto
Rocoto CAP 217
Rocoto Orange
Rocoto Red
Rocoto Yellow
Yellow Rocoto
The same colors might be the same ones, they were just from different seed sources.  Let me know if one or more are of interest to you.
Jamison, I have the following varieties. Some I only have 10-12 seeds, some i have 100. 
Large Orange Manzano, Mexico (Northgate Market Vista, CA) - biggest was 185g, Ave.-140g
Medium Orange Manzano, Mexico (Prino Market, San Diego) - Ave.- 50g
Small Orange Manzano, Guatemala - Ave - 25g
Red Rocoto , Peru (Lima, different to the one below)
Red Rocoto medium size, Peru (Lima Market)
Red Rocoto, Bolivia (Tarija region)
Brown Rocoto
Rocoto San Isidro
Mini Rocoto - PI 387838

Rocoto CAP 217          
Rocoto PI355812         
Rocoto CAP 867 red      
Rocoto PI585273         
Rocoto Costa Rican Red