wanted Looking for rocoto

I know that it is basically the end of the season for some. But I am looking for a pepper or two or three. I live in Florida and I think that it's too hot to grow these. I've been dying to try one. If anyone has a few let me know. Willing to pay of course. Thanks

I have 3 rocoto plants, and agree - it's too hot in Florida for you to grow these outside. I'm in Cleveland, OH, and this is my first time growing them. They bloomed heavily all summer, but set NO fruit until it started getting cold - I've only had 3 pods develop and ripen so far. However, with the cold weather finally hitting (down to 32 last night), they are finally setting more pods. If I get more than a few ripen, I'll send you a couple - I have both manzano and canario. But hopefully someone else is having better fortune with them, and can send you some sooner than it looks like I would be able. Best wishes - they really are great-tasting peppers!
I have seed from all three colors and while I keep seeing it posted as being too hot there to get fruit set I am not convinced. My yellow and orange Manzano's come out of southern Mexico were it is more tropical temps and they get fruit pretty much yr around. Even Pepper-Guru on here seems to get pod set where he is when others claim it is to hot for them to set. I believe there must be something missing as at least part of the cause and temps may play some part just not the whole reason for pod set failure.


Anyways I can hook you up with seed of any or all three colors as I have a steady supply coming in the peppers I get. Just pm me if you want them and I will send you my address for a SASE for me to send them back to you. No need for the bubble part as I make bubble packets to go into the envelopes as those who got seed for the grow challenge will see.