wanted Looking for some Brazilian Bird Pepper Seeds


Hello, I am new to this site and was wondering if anybody had any of those yellow Brazilian Bird Pepper Seeds for sale or trade? As a matter of fact, I am interested in any type of tepin or pequin seeds other than those native to the South Texas/Mexican Border.

For trade I do have some homegrown Ghost Pepper seeds, some native Tepin and Pequin seeds, and some Orange Thai Pepper(point upwards) seeds. I also will have a very limited supply of a pequin that turns from yellow to a deep purple.

Thanx In Advance for any and all replies!
I guess I came to the wrong place since I didn't even get a reply. My money isn't good enough here. ; ( Can anybody atleast lead me in the right direction to get some of these seeds?

Thank You!
Hello Southwesterner... Unfortunately we have a lot of the same seeds in common. Did you check out Aji Joe's seed sale post? He has quite a few versions of African bird chili. I didn't see the Brazilian one you are taking about but I have seen several post from members located in Brazil that may be able to help you.

I'll keep my eye out too and let you know if I see anything like that because I would like some too!

Hey lilcholo...I have some interesting varieties including wild brazil, PI 438654, Chaparita Yellow and some sort of Pequin cross...only problem is my entire grow has been hit by Mild Mottle Virus which can be transmitted though seeds. So it wouldn't be responsible of me to share them and potentially ruin someone else's grow. Try here...


They have some interesting varieties...good luck!
