chinense looking for suggestions for habanero varieties

Hello everyone,
I have been growing hot peppers for about 10 years. My grandmother got me started and I learned a lot from her about peppers and gardening in general (and life in general) before she passed.
I have been making hot sauce for about five years and really enjoy it. It is a carrot-based orange habanero sauce. I have used Orange Habanero, Fatali, and last year used Chichen Itza. I'm really happy with my recipe, but i'd like to try some different pepper varieties and hot sauce recipes, perhaps even a fermented mash.
Any recommendations for new varieties or habanero that are great for sauce making?
There are great deal of sauce makers here on THP that can likely turn you on to the best. However, being from GA as well, we grew red caribean last season locally and had a tremendous grow. Great flavor in all of our sauce, flakes and the like.
Funny I was considering growing that one. My cousin also grows a nice pepper patch each year and he always grows Carribean Red as well as Orange Habanero.
He claims the "bite" from the red stays with you longer than the "bite" from the orange. I havn't compared them yet.
Seems like a good recommendation--thanks!

There are great deal of sauce makers here on THP that can likely turn you on to the best. However, being from GA as well, we grew red caribean last season locally and had a tremendous grow. Great flavor in all of our sauce, flakes and the like.
Pm me your addy and I'll send you some Caribbean red seeds, I'll have to look at what other habs I got. I think I got white habs too (Peruvian), a mix of red and yellow habs(burpee® pack).

Wow, generous offer! PM sent.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions so far.

Pm me your addy and I'll send you some Caribbean red seeds, I'll have to look at what other habs I got. I think I got white habs too (Peruvian), a mix of red and yellow habs(burpee® pack).

yes. I would definitely try those white peruvian habs. nice flavor and heat for those lil yummy jellybeans
I make a sauce that originally calls for orange Habs.... I've used those, white Habs, a mix of orange and white, and scotch bonnets.... The batch I made using scotch bonnets has been the favorite with friends and coworkers....
Thanks for all of these recommendations. I am looking forward to expanding my sauce-cooking skills with some of these species.
Carribean Red and Scotch Bonnet look very interesting.
If anyone is considering an orange sauce, the Chichen Itza I grew last year makes large pods (compared to orange hab) and is very fruity tasting. Not very hot, though. I had to use double the number of peppers I normally use to try to increase the heat level, even though they are larger.

Yeah I just googled this one--never heard of it. I may have to try it to see how it compares to Chichen Itza in terms of flavor. I bet st Bart's is hotter.
wild brazil
wiri wiri
jamaican yellow scotch bonnet
jamaican hot chocolate hab
australian lantern
west indian red
red savina
black stinger
fatalii yellow
harold st barts
peach hab
burkina yellow
bahamian goat pepper

these are some of the best tasting ones that are easy to find and most are personal favorite

thanks your friend Joe
i made a simple vinegar sauce with nothing but chocolate habs and roasted is an excellent everyday sauce, one of the better sauces i've made so far