Looking for suggestions to grow next year.

I have worked my way through most of a box of assorted peppers from Judy at pepperlover (over 13 different varieties). I have learned so much tasting, smelling, and suffering  :onfire:   through these yummy peppers. It is safer to save seeds or should I order them to make sure that they did not cross?
Now that I have a better idea on what to plant next year, I wanted to get input to make sure I am not missing anything that is a must grow. I would like to grow a range heat levels also. Here is what I am thinking so far (first three I am trying to overwinter):
1) Red bell 
2) Serrano 
3) New Mexico 6-4
4) Peach Bhut
5) Bishops Crown 
6) Yellow Fatalii
7) Datil
8) A peach something that was really good.
9) Maybe Trinidad Scorpion CARDI
Suggestions would be welcome.
MoA Scotch Bonnet.
Maybe swap the New Mex 6-4 for Big Jim, better pepper in my opinion, flavor and size, I grew 18 plants this year, roast them babies up and freeze them.
Save the seeds from Judy, plant them and see what happens. They will probably grow true.
Talk to smileyguy. He has an interesting tepin/aji limon cross. I'm growing it next season to stabilize it. From what I hear the pods are delicious.
I saved a bunch from Judy this year that I plan on growing next year.  Though I also think I bought half of the varieties she has this year too :)
Have to agree with Vodu on the Big Jim vs the 6-4.  Otherwise that list looks pretty darn good.
Scotch Bonnet is a must-grow for me.  If you can get the MoA all the better.