chinense Looking for term for scorpion shapes

If you visit this link, you will note there are two photos of yellow scorpions.  The one on the left has a slender stinger with an indented ring around it.  The one on the right, a tapered stinger with no indented ring around it.

What would you call that indented ring?

Hippie Seed (love them) shows the same pepper with and without that indented ring.  Maybe a crown?

ajdrew said:
If you visit this link, you will note there are two photos of yellow scorpions.  The one on the left has a slender stinger with an indented ring around it.  The one on the right, a tapered stinger with no indented ring around it.

What would you call that indented ring?

Hippie Seed (love them) shows the same pepper with and without that indented ring.  Maybe a crown?

mine look just like the one in the second link ( pic.) 

heres one of 3 pods it gave me in january .
Looking at the pic from Hippy Seed, the pods may be as long as the diameter of a tennis ball, but that does not mean <QUOTE The pods grow as large as a tennis ball. END QUOTE>
I have some Yellow 7-Pot pods that are three inches long, but I would never say they are the size of a tennis ball.
jedisushi06 said:
scorpion pepper
I am sure you know the shape of the butch t and the moruga scorpion.  If you look at the photos at hippie seed and the other, you will note not all scorpion peppers have that shape.  Some just taper to a point rather than have that indent / inward curl that forms a ring around the stinger.

So thinking that if some scorpion peppers have it and some do not, then simply calling the feature a scorpion pepper doesnt let a person discuss it well.

There just has to be a term or word that addresses the differences in appearance.