wanted Looking To Trade Hot Pepper Seed.......

Hi all. Well I am not having big success in growing my super HOT Naga Jolokia or Bhuts. I lost all of my Bhuts, every variety:(. I have only managed to get 2 Naga Jolokias to get to near blooming size. One looks like it might start to bud in a week or two. It finally is branching and turning into a big plant! I lost all the others to one day of not watering them as seedlings.
It got super hot/sunny, and I couldn't get home to water them and sure enough, they were dried up and dead. For the second time! This was the second round of growing from seed in trays and trying for so many different types. Well at least I have 2 Nagas...hopefully the are the 'Worlds Hottest Pepper' as promised:)...anyway, I lost my one and only 'African Congo' plant. Including my one and only 'African Congo' plant, and I have NO seeds of it left. I also have no seeds left of the Bhut varieties. I am looking for them as well.

I think these are really all the same pepper. But...I dont want to open that can of worms. But I have my 2 Naga Jolokias. They are THE ones I wanted to grow and get peppers from. So I am looking to trade some seeds to get some 'African Congo' seeds,and the Bhut varieties.

Anyone have some of either and need some of the seeds I have? Here is a list of what I have to trade. Email me if you have interest in trading.

Fatalii, Naga Morrich, Lemon drop, Yellow Mushroom, Brazilian Starfish, Red Habenaro, Cumari Cu Passarinho, Bhut Jolokia, Aji Habanero, Brazilian Pumpkin, Big Sun Scotch Bonnet, Bishops Crown, Limon..............I have some 'Congo Trinidad'..is that the same as the 'African Congo'? Or is it a different variety:?: Well...if anyone has the African Congo, and or knows if this 'Congo Trinidad' is the same one, please let me know. If you want to trade, drop me an email and let me know if you have some to trade, and what you want in return. I have SOME of each of these seeds...not a huge supply of each. The 2 times of planting used up nearly all of them:(
FlaHotPep-we are definately in a seperate ecosystem than most other growers on this forum.We have a lot of heat and humidity issues others don't have,but are blessed to have an almost year round season that most would love to have!i grow a lot of mexican types in the spring,but when it heats up they pretty much taper off.I've had many plants dampen off from to dry,hot conditions to being flooded then baked(leaves wilt then just basically rot)I had some minor hail damage this past weekend but they are still hanging in there(looking like swiss cheese plants.There is something to be said for safety in numbers,and i just give the xtras away to friends and customers.what my basic summer stragety is in fl. is to grow Carribean varieties.your congo trini is a prime example!carribean peppers come in many flavors,heats,colors and unlike many of the superhots have a lot of cooking background to them.They are definately well suited to our conditions.I do also have some summer luck with the thais,tobascos,Datils(a famous florida pepper),I also have some wild florida orange grove peppers(a tepin type)I do have some chocolate babaneros i could spare if you like.So my list of avail. seeds is choc. hab,fish,orange grove,thai,tobasco.I will have many additional in a few short months.e-me if interested.(see grow list)
P.S.i also have seeds of the current jalapeno challenge leader pepper @4.75 inches...