• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Louisiana Winter

I noticed today that my tomato plants that I planted from seed from a store bought roma tomato in DECEMBER, OUTSIDE, has flowers on it! And my bell pepper plants have buds and and a pepper growing on them... too bad it's supposed to get a light freeze tonight. I'm gonna let them sit outside and fight through it. They've been out through numerous frosts and are thriving. The days are warm enough to make up for it, I guess. I love Louisiana Winters! Thank you Al Gore for your global warming/manbearpig!


throw a sheet over them it might help.. except if the global warming/manbearpig attacks
then get out your gun and 7+ magazine and kill that suckaa with it.
then bury the dead carcass below your plant.. it should work wonders