Low carb lifestylers?

Is there anyone besides me? I found this about 3 years ago when i had to drop 10kg (took ~3 months) and since then i've been avoiding foods that are high on carbohydrates. Dont get me wrong because i do eat some carbs but just not much.

I have noticed only benefits this far. My blood pressure is at very good level considering that its heritable from my father who has medication for his high blood pressure. My blood sugar levels are stable and doesnt jump around along dinners. My energy level is completely different compared to my "early life". I just can keep going the whole day long. Like duracell bunny =) (Actually my lady says that i've got some more endurance in bed also...) I dont get those weird desires for candy, pizza, potatoe chips or stuff like that anymore. Also i can control my weight just the way i want. If i start to gain weight i just drop off some carbs, simple!

I dont want to this to feel pushing but its really worth a try! For me theres no way going back to old style anymore!
i've tried the low/no carb thing and you're right.. weight drops right off.. i like my 'taters too much to stick to it properly for any serious amount of time :)
I actually lost weight on a high carb diet. The right carbs, high fiber. Any new diet can jumpstart weight loss. But time will tell if I can healthily maintain the weight loss on this diet.
Thats good if it suits for you pileiton. Sure you can maintain your weight! Slowly absorbing carbs are good for body but it only needs them when we exercise. I'm not trying to lose weight with low carb diet anymore. Diet gave me a whole new point of view for food long time ago. I started to live healthier life since i first found low carb diet. Im just trying to tell that there is another truth beside the "old" food circle. Ultimately its all about genes.
nobios I like how you're balancing that hot sauce bottle on your finger.

Oh and I need beer.
I did it briefly when I was weight lifting more heavily in high school/early in college. I found that my energy level dropped considerably initially, but leveled out after a few weeks. I stayed very low carb for about 6 months, but gradually added them back into my diet.