Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Cyber Monday Sale!

Sorry it's so late folks - I was on the road all day, driving home from Nevada. :doh:
I posted the sale to FB & the various groups, but I wanted to post it here too - better late than never?

So, without further ado, Happy Cyber Monday, folks! 

The "buy 3, get 1 free" sale goes through December 26th, so for today's Cyber Monday special I'm upping the ante a bit: 

Use the coupon "cyber14" and it'll knock an additional 5% off of anything at www.luckydoghotsauce.com today and today only through Tues at 9 PM! This coupon stacks with existing bulk discounts, so (for example) you'll now save 10% on the 3-pack and get the free 4th bottle as well! 

As a special bonus, every order over $25 received between now & midnight tonight (PT) will be automatically entered in a random drawing on Tuesday to win a Lucky Dog Hot Sauce baseball cap, Dia del Perro t-shirt & Dia del Perro hoodie! 

As the kids on the Internet say, Woot! :woohoo: 
And because it's so late, I'm going to extend the sale to the people of THP until 9 PM PT tomorrow (Tues the 2nd) - that's when I'll draw the winning order #, so get those orders in! :cheers:   

Love & hot sauce & Cyber Monday
