Lucky Dog Hot Sauce on Right This Minute!

Happy Hump Day to everyone! Just 5 days to go on the Lucky Dog Kickstarter and 94% funded! Not there yet, but so so so close! 
Dean S, one of the longest and best supporters of Lucky Dog Hot Sauce was kind enough to share the KS link in a tweet to Beth Troutman, host of Right This Minute. She liked the campaign so much, not only did she pledge, but she also tweeted that it would get a mention on tonight's broadcast! 
Apparently they upload to the web first, so here's the Right This Minute clip featuring the Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Kickstarter campaign - super cool! 
Thanks Dean! Thanks Beth! So totally random and amazing. :woohoo:
Love & hot sauce

Holy crap! you were on RTM, you rock Scott. Cheers, to a guy who is honorable and deserves a new van to spread his goodness. I cant wait to see your new wheels next time I go to the FM.
Thanks guys - this was a totally unexpected bit of awesomeness. Mom saw me on TV this morning & said she teared up a little (note: that doesn't take much these days, but still...)
So cool - I recorded it & saw it earlier - it's one thing to see it on a phone or computer monitor, but to watch it in HD was really very cool. 
Nicole said:
That's so great congrats!! Wishing you continued success!

Xo Nicole
Hi Nicole! Long time no see around these parts - sorry I missed you in NY...probably a bit too crazy for an infant?  Hopefully next year. :cheers: 
Damn man!  That is totally amazing!  I'm super happy for you man,  and honestly you deserve it buddy!  I cannot wait to see this staple in my house in grocery store shelves one day.   
:          :  
no words.................... totally wonderful!  