Lurking for a few months, decided to register

Hello everyone,
This is my first year gardening and I've gotten a little addicted to it. I planted too much and too close together it seems. 
I don't know if you guys are interested in seeing pictures that aren't of peppers, but I have taken some new pictures of my garden today and put them in an album.
Here's the album:
My plants include:
* 12 cherry tomatoes (various kinds)
* ~9 hills of cucumbers (various kinds, 2 plants per hill)
* 2 hills of cantaloupe (2 plants per hill)
* 2 hills of honey dew (2 plants per hill)
* 11 banana pepper
* 4 cayenne pepper
* 4 anaheim pepper
* 4 purple bell pepper
* 4 okra
* 2 hills of yellow neck squash (2 plants per hill)
* 2 hills of zucchini (2 plants per hill)
* ~15 regular tomato (various kinds)
* 2 rows of green onions
* 2 hills of pumpkins (3 plants per hill)
The pepper plants have given me more trouble than all my other plants combined so far. First they were getting ate up by bugs horribly, so I used Sevin. Then they got fungus pretty bad (that's why you can see a lot of leaves pruned off) and I used Mancozeb. I think they got fungus because I was watering in the evening and also because I was using a sprinkler system instead of watering with a hose at the base of the plants. The sprinkler system I have set up works for everything else, but I'm weary about using it again because I do not want to get fungus again. Last weekend I put down mulch, and began watering only in mornings. Hopefully things will get better for my pepper plants.
I finally registered on here to ask a question about grow lights for indoor pepper growing, because I obviously do not have enough plants.
I would like to start off by growing habanero or similar (indoors) and work my way up to hotter stuff. I didn't really know anything about super hot peppers until last year when a co-worker brought in some ghost peppers his mom had grown, along with some of her salsa. I really liked the salsa, but did not attempt to eat any of the raw ghost peppers.  We bet the co-worker who brought the peppers in that he wouldn't try one and he eventually ate one whole and it was probably one of the worst things he's ever experienced. I still haven't tried anything super hot. Megahot has been gracious enough to send me some habanero seeds to get started!
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
¡Hola! and welcome from south FL [SIZE=8pt]
:welcome:   Hello from Seattle, Wa
And the addiction starts!   Use this year as a baseline and see what has happened to you by this time nex year!