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hot-sauce Macarico Piri Piri Mohalo hot sauce

I picked this sauce up amongst alot of thai/east indian products when I was in ottawa last..
I dont have a pic to this sauce but a link to a blury pic of it(ill get a pic tomorow batterys are in the charger)
When I bought this product I was told by the seller it was the equvilant to tobasco in Portugal..First impression..
I open the bottle and have a smell
You can smell the pepper and vinigar...first taste...The vinigar comes out then the pepper...Then the overwhelming salty taste..There is a bit of heat but to me too salty....I cant figure out where this is like tobasco sauce(vinigar water)...id compare this to more like redhot a salty cayenne sauce
Id give this product a 1 maby a 2
Now reading the ingrediens its no more than a low line extract sauce...no mention of peppers in the sauce but capsicum is the first ingredient