MadBallz 7 from Romy6

I`m still recovering from eating a good-sized Madballz 7. The review will be up later tonight. 
These peppers are flat out astonishing in their effects. Holy Crap, the pain is remarkable. 
Watch out for the review, you will want to grow these, I promise you.
Yes, I believe it is somewhere between the f4-f6 generations depending on the garden. Yann (mad hatter) is credited with the strain, but many other growers have grown it out as well.

They are fairly stable in pod shape and type, but there are three distinct colors. Burgundy, chocolate, and rust/caramel.
Jamie's pod is the real deal.
Thanks, Matt! Chris (cmpman1974) sent me a few last year and they were the chocolate variety, which became my favorite pepper. Had 3 or 4 growing nicely but mother nature decided that she was going to have none of that! Maybe next year....