Made smoked power without the smoker

I made some really nice smoked powder from Gourmet Fatalii Rocato and 7 Pot Burgundy peppers this week.  I don't have a smoker, so I just soaked a piece of hickory (it's what I had laying around) in water for a couple of minutes, and set it next to the burner in my gas grill.  Once it was smoldering, I turned it over, and started the other side smoldering.

After this, I put the grill on the lowest heat, moved the wood in-between the middle elements, at the bottom of the grill, and put the peppers on.  I let them get just a bit black around the edges, and then turned the fire off.  They remained in the grill until the wood was a pile of ashes.  Then, off to the dehydrator, to finish the job.

All I can say is, the result was amazing.  I'm not that fond of the 7 Pot Burgundy smoked - I think they were better with their natural flavor.  But the FG Rocato is a thing of beauty.  This will be in my garden again, no question about it.  Can't wait to make burgers this weekend...
Some gas grills you can flip over the angle iron heat shield and then lay your chips there. I smoked some tasty chickens that way on an old cheapo gas grill.
That's really clever.
That reminds me of the grill racks that everyone has when we go to South America.  The fire pit is open, and they have V-channel racks that are slightly angled, to let all of the excess fat run down, and into a collection pan.
I hadn't thought to try that, but I just might see about it next time.