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Magnetism + Plants

I've been doing quite a bit of research on another project, and after seeing the music to plant thing I thought of this. Has anyone had any experience with biomagnetism and pepper plants? As in, literally magnets, or general geographical location? I guess this could also include magnetized water. Tons of studies have found very beneficial results. Wondering if anyone on here has done any experiments with it. Just for example:
Two separate experiments were conducted with statistical design to ascertain the effect of magnetic fields on :

# Effect of magnetism on seeds Percentage and rate of germination of seeds.

# Growth and composition of the seedlings, utilizing individual south and north poles.

Two sets of seeds and plants, treated and untreated (with magnetism) were maintained to compare the effects. It was found that the seeds under magnetic influence sprouted faster and developed deeper roots compared to the uninfluenced one. It was also observed that the plants irrigated with magnetised water yielded a 20 to 40 per cent higher growth rate and vigour as compared to untreated one. Not only that these plants (treated) are also less susceptible to crop pests and diseases.

The chemical composition of the treated and untreated plants also brought out an interesting pattern of energy characteristics and minerals. Several biomagnetic experiments carried out in his laboratory, showed higher values of sugars, oil, and protein in the plants treated with south pole. The beets grown with South Pole treatment showed higher sugar content and the peanuts with increased oil content.

The above findings offer great promise in enhancing the agricultural yields of crops. Russian farmers have already shown the way by growing giant-sized brinjals and tomatoes of the size of musk-melons by magnetising the irrigation water.

Just was also searching on geotropism, its extremely interesting stuff. Would make a great experiments. Another insert:
Lie a potted plant sideways and in a few days you'll see the stem growing upwards, the roots growing downwards. Plants line themselves up in the same direction as the Earth's gravitational field. Knock them over, and they'll know it's time to switch directions. That's called 'Geotropism'.

Those who have studied Geotropism have figured out how Plants know which way is up.

Chemicals in all plant cells called 'Auxins' react to Gravity -- the Earth's Magnetic Field. Auxins order Green cells in the stems and leaves to stretch and grow. And they order non-Green cells -- the ones in the roots -- NOT to grow.

If you put a plant on its side, Auxins build up underneath the stem and the roots. That makes the underside grow faster than the upper side; the stem bends. The same thing happens to the roots; they grow down.

But maybe the plants are responding to LIGHT from above -- NOT GRAVITY, you ask.

No. It's the Gravity. This is what makes Trees grow straight up, instead of in an angle toward the Sun. Plant growth is guided by Geotropism (Gravity) even before they're little plantlets, when they're sprouting UNDERground. They know just which way to grow even before they've ever seen the light of day.

When scientists want to study the effect of Gravity on plants, they use strong magnets to simulate Gravitational Pull.

Plants also obviously have some iron in them, I wonder how putting a magnet under a seedling would affect its growth? HMMM...
HMMMM..... I beleive the first part but not so sure about the Geotropism.... they are very interesting though. for the most part, plants just grow towards the light.... EX: if you had a planted pot upright like normal but had it in a black room with only light coming from the bottom. the plant would start to lean and eventually bend and grow down towards the light.

also with all these people having upside down container gardens.... The upside down plants' leaves essentially just flip over and still grow upwards towards the light. And when you take them out of the pots, all the roots have still grown upwards until they hit the top (bottom) of the pot (remember upside down) and then they just grow all over the place. otherwise all the roots would just stay at the bottom (top) of the pot and defeat the purpose...... Like roots in a normally potted plant, Im sure gravity does play some effect in which way the roots grow but for the most part they grow till they hit the sides and bottom of the container and then change direction and TAKE THE NEXT EASIEST PATH through the soil until they hit something hard again and switch directions again.

I like the first Idea but don't beleive the second so much, just my 2 cents...:-)
Well, its not really an idea I was just wondering. Yeah, the light is the phototropism, just another part of the "tropism" family.
"Chemicals in all plant cells called 'Auxins' react to Gravity -- the Earth's Magnetic Field."

Ehhh, no. Gravity is not the Earth's magnetic field. Do I read this wrong?

And how do you magnetize water?

Where did you find this?
No, you didnt read it wrong. I agree with the gravity not being the earths magnetic field. I found it on some online gardening site, I'll have to look for the link. Not saying it was right, I'll have to look more into magnetizing water.
What is Bio-Magnetic Water?
Water is paramagnetic – meaning that it will hold a magnetic charge. In nature, the earth’s magnetic field naturally charges water in lakes, wells, and running streams. However, as water passes through treatment plants and is transported through pipes to your home or work place, it loses its magnetic charge. Treating water with magnetic fields simple restores the natural energy and balance that nature intended. Magnetized water has more hydroxyl (OH-) ions that form alkaline molecules which reduces the acidity. Normal tap water has a pH of about 7. Magnetized water is more alkaline and can have a pH as high as 9.2. Magnetizing water reduces the surface tension of the water making it feel softer. It is thinner, wetter, and more absorbable, so it is better able to penetrate cell walls and deliver the nutrients that it carries.

Bio-Magnetized water will help your plants grow stronger, greener, and larger. In one study seedlings’ germination rates were 68 % with bio-magnetized water, while with non-magnetized water only 8% germinated. In another study, Texas A&M researchers found that squash weighed 24% more when it was grown with magnetized water vs. non-magnetized water. Bio-magnetic water is more solvent and has a lower surface tension, so nutrients in the water are absorbed more readily. Thus you get a healthier plant while using less fertilizer.

How to make Bio-Magnetic Water
Making Bio-magnetic water is quite simple: just place a glass or container filled with water on a magnetic pad. Never use a metal container. You want to use a container that has a flat bottom without any raised edges. You want the bottom of the container touching the magnet pad. How long you need to leave the water on the magnet will depend on how much water you have. I usually use a gallon milk container and leave it on the pad for 4-6 hours or longer. It won’t hurt to leave it there longer, you can even just leave the container on the pad and refill it as you use the water. The water will stay magnetized for several days after you take it off the magnet.
I have friend thats an electrical engineer has try ed to magnetizing water for years, he found that water will only hold a charge for a few seconds then goes back to before he started. If you could magnetize water it would make a great sports drink. so that article has a chance of being bogus.
They just happen to sell pads and coasters for "magentizing" your drinks on that site... No offence to you Straticus, but this breaks the bullshit-o-meter.
Haha, none taken. I posted it for comments! I didnt say I believed in it, I found it interesting. Maybe if I have time I can try some experiments.
Straticus said:


Not against you, Strat, aimed solely at the snake oil salesmen.
Straticus said:
+1. I guess I wasnt even aware it was a company who posted that article, that makes a lot more sense now.

That's why I asked where you found the information in the first post - it is important to evaluate the source.
Here's a big coincidence, after reading this post I thought I would experiment, I have a coir puck with 7 fatalii seeds that have been sitting for about three weeks with no action, yesterday morning I rubbed the coir puck to see if there was anything happening at all and nothing visual. So around 4pm I went to my fridge where I have several flat black magnet strips(3" X 1.5") that I use to hold notes and put one on the coir puck and one under a small fatalii that is about 2 months old.

..... this morning, a sprout in the coir and the fatalii appears to be standing more upright. I took a picture of the fatalii as I put the magnet under it and will take a picture in a couple of days to see if there are any noticable changes in the plant.

I put the magnet under the fatalli plant as I read on some website that perhaps roots maybe drawn downward toward the magnetic and produce new growth and stimulation.
I put the magnet on top of the coir puck as the puck is in a small bucket and is 4 inches in height, I keep a clear plastic cover over the bucket.

There is no brandname on the magnetic strips, I got the strip in 1994 so I wasn't sure of its magnetic properties, they stick to the fridge and when I touch them together they appear to weakly attach themselves to one another but are very easy to take apart.

(I don't believe in conspiracy theories, I don't watch late night shopping channels, I don't believe in ghosts or spirits, I don't own a George Foreman grill, nor do I own a slap chop, I don't own any info commercial ab machines - I will admit to owning ShamWhoa, we bought that at some convention and it was an emotional buy, not to pick up spilt coke/pepsi but to wipe down my new Volvo to keep it spot free(never did use it and it is still in my bedroom closet)).
Burning Colon said:
I don't own a George Foreman grill, nor do I own a slap chop.
I got a slap chop just so people will "love my nuts!" lol and it does work great on dicing up peppers too, just dont use it on your nuts after chopping super hots :D


Nothing new this morning, no new sprouts.... I kind of fell of the wagon on the loan fatalii and put the magnet on another tray of rouge seeds that have been dormant for a couple of months - we have had 20C weather and I put all my plants outside to get some real sunlight but I guess I should follow through with my experiment and put the strip back under the fatalii. I purchased a couple CFL 6500K to see if blue spectrum would improve growth - nothing on that front, perhaps I went the wrong way and should put 2500K light. I had a gro-light full sprectrum but it burnt out the other day.