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Mailbox caught fire couple days ago

Someone sent me a very special gift the other day...
After the smoke cleared I found these in the charred remains of my mailbox.




Are we going to get reviews of each chile or at least taste impressions? Please please.....

That Red Fatali looks like a 7 Primo.
Looks outrageously hot SM, careful with that.

Kind of looks like the red Fatalii and 7 Primo were switched at birth er uh I mean packing.
you know someone has to ask what happened to D, F,W,Y & Z..... ;)

them's some mighty fine looking peppers!
I think W could be mistaken for M-if your writing is like mine and the other ones were lost in the fire... :mouthonfire:

I was wondering about the Red Fatalii but labled that as sent to me.
I keep forgetting to ask the sender about it.
sounds like a good story, and stick to it! LOL

will watch to see what develops.....or incinerates....as the case may be. As I said, Great looking batch of chiles.
Here is the original story-my typing finger was getting tired...

I woke up the other day to the sound of sirens and went out to see what was up.

People were running out of the building screaming and clawing at their eyes.

After further investigation I found out I had received a package from a friend that had set my mail slot on fire and was releasing Volcano like fumes.

I quickly put on my hazmat suit and fire proof gloves and grabbed a 12ft. piece of channel iron...
I manuvered the smoldering box outside and using the channel iron(which had now melted down to 5ft long) removed the contents of the package.
Here is what I found inside...
At First I thought some one had come up with one called Black Mamba, I have been doing some crossing and growing out the last couple of years, I would have hated to see that someone was using a name that I was going to call mine, Thankfully that is not the case. Those are some very hot peppers, your lucky that they didn't melt everything or ignited when you opened it. Ha!
George W. :)
The Yellow Bhut looks pretty tame. :shocked: