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Making a Chile Morita

I'm already aware that a chile morita is a red-ripe jalapeno that has been smoked, and dried. What I'd like to know is whether the smoking process dries the chile completely, or if the chile has to go in a dehydrator at some point. Thanks.
You are not going to make chile morita, you are going to make smoked Xalapa.

Making chipotle is a closely-held operation with Méjican makers.
It can completely dry em out, but if they are really meaty and not fully dry I just leave em out on a counter top and within a few days they will completely dry out. You can slap em in the dehydator too as well if not completely dry.
I smoke 4 types of Jalapenos together and then dehydrate them. If you leave them in the smoker until they dry, I feel it is too much smoke or they are cooked too long. 4 blend Jalapeno smoked powder coming to a palate near you!
It can completely dry em out, but if they are really meaty and not fully dry I just leave em out on a counter top and within a few days they will completely dry out. You can slap em in the dehydator too as well if not completely dry.

Do you know how long, and at what temp you smoke them at?