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Making pepper jelly tonight

Making pepper jelly tonight.
Some made ONLY with fatalii and Datil combo for ME... HOT HOT HOT!!!
One batch for HUMAN consumption made with jalapenos.
I will also be loading up the dehydrator for even MORE powder! ... All while watching Grindhouse and polishing off a bottle of bourbon barrel quad! (life is good)
I think I need a 12 step program for my fatalii addiction!

Mmmm...Sounds great!!!

Last year I made Hab-Raspberry Jelly and it was awesome...I can't wait to try a few more combinations. I'm thinking of a Scorpion-Strawberry Jelly for this year. Well along with the Hab- Raspberry.
That is why I was thinking of using it with strawberry, but only so much as to spicen up the jelly and still maintaining the sweetness of the berries. If that makes any sense...lol
Well, maybe if it turns out well, I could send you a jar. First I'm going to have to work on the ratio of peppers to strawberries so as to not over power them. This is the fun part of cooking I think.
Here is the recipe that I used and it was awesome. I didn't use the bell pepper and I used Habs instead of jalapenos. Like I said it was awesome and a real keeper.

Thanks again Sorellina!

Sorellina said:
Ciao Derek-

I posted this on another forum so it was very easy. This recipe is originally intended for jalapenos, but any pepper would work. You could just put habaneros in for the entire volume instead of the bells, or you could substitute something even hotter if you want. It's up to you. I also have a recipe for Habanero Gold Jelly, which is oddly, quite popular up here in Canada. It's made with habanero peppers and dried apricots in a suspension. Let me know if you'd like that one as well.

Jalapeno-Raspberry Jelly

1/2 cup green bell pepper in 1/4" dice
1/4 cup jalapenos in 1/4" dice
1 cup frozen or fresh raspberries
3 cups sugar
3/4 cup cider vinegar
3 oz liquid pectin

Place both peppers, raspberries, sugar, and vinegar into a 2 qt saucepan. Bring to a boil. Strain mixture through a jelly bag or a colander lined with cheesecloth into another saucepan of similar size to remove pepper pieces and raspberry pulp. This should take 5-10 minutes to drain. Bring juice to a rolling boil. Stir in liquid pectin, quickly adding entire pouch all at once. Bring back to a rolling boil and time for exactly one minute. Pour liquid into sterilized jars to 1/2" from rim. Wipe jars with damp paper towel, place lids, and tighten rings. Process 10 minutes in a hot water canner. Allow to cool 24 hours before storing in a cool, dry place.

Makes approx. 6 1/2 125 ml jars.
Here is the base method... However I used ZERO green peppers and a LOT of Fatalii!!!!!.............. a LOT!
After I strained the pulp I then added a handfull of Datil AND fatalii AND a few red Caribbean habs for color.
Then I boiled, added pectin and sugar etc.

WOW... when I say this stuff has some VERY concentrated flavor ... I mean it!! WOW... VERY , VERY tasty
Then, WHAT HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SOOOO good on crackers with cream cheese!
Very nice looking jelly. Course from what you said, looks are deceiving...lol...congrats on making a painful batch of tasty jelly.
I agree with all the others on the color of the jelly...it is beautiful...jelly making is in my future this coming week too...
I am considering making a jello also. I have 5 plums and a bunch of habaneros probably about 25 good sized ones that I spared from the dehydrator this morning. I am awful at measuring. Does that sound like a good mix or would it be too many peppers? I will have to search and read some recipes as well as get some pectin.
patrick said:
That looks fabulous Katrina, how much did you end up with?

I made two batches.... a hot one and an "OH MY GOD, CUT OUT MY TONGUE" one! I ended up with 6 jelly jars of each, but the hot too hot for mortals as well.
I really wish I had enough to share with all of you!

JayT said:
I am considering making a jello also. I have 5 plums and a bunch of habaneros probably about 25 good sized ones that I spared from the dehydrator this morning. I am awful at measuring. Does that sound like a good mix or would it be too many peppers?
He said "would it be too many peppers?" LMAO!:onfire:
Just kidding Jay :)
I would toss them all in there, but I am a freak.

PS... I added NO coloring at all! :)
Wow, yesterday I made 3 jars of jelly...

Strawberry, mango and pineapple. They taste SOOOOO GREAT! I only used yellow/orange/red habaneros (2 different strains each).

Kat, you've deffo made me a fan!
I HAVE to make some of this. I bought a bottle of mango jolokia jelly at the pepper festival I went to last weekend and used it as a glaze for some grilled chicken breasts tonight. Soooooo good! Yum.