food Maligator Molé

I promised Maligator awhile back, I would give him my Molé recipe. Here is the latest PM I sent him. It's more or less an agreement for him to post pictures when he makes it. :lol:
"Fuck dude, my bad. We usually make Mole on the Solstices and post it up. In fact, there is a thread here somewhere, I started called "Solstice Mole". LOL We have just been busy as hell and didn't do it this last weekend like I should have. I will send you the PDF version later today when I am on my big computer. I will only give you this recipe if you agree to post up pictures. And not just the plated pics, I want to see your ingredients, process, AND plated pics. Agreed? (By reading this, you are obligated to make and share pics) BOOM!
It is a MUST to be served with [Mexican/Spanish] Rice, Beans and Tortillas. I like flour and/or corn. If you don't blacken or "burn" them, I will hunt you down and blacken your eye!
Here is a partial ingredients list (I am leaving out one crucial ingredient until I hear back from you. Whoop!) . I will give you the full recipe once I hear back from you, agreeing about posting the pictures. Yeah, I'm dead serious. LMAO
- 1 whole chicken, cut into pieces or, 4-6 chicken breasts
- 8 C. chicken broth
- 1 White Onion
- 6 Garlic Cloves
- 2 TBS Pine Nuts
- 1-½ TBS Sesame Seeds
- 1 tsp Cinnamon
- 1 green tipped Banana
- 2 TBS dark Raisins
- 20 blanched Almonds
- 1 stick (4 oz) Butter
- 1 round Ibara Chocolate (you already have that LOLOL)
- ??? (LOL)
Dried Chiles:
- 5-8 Pasilla Negro
- 5-8 Pasilla Ancho
- 5-8 New Mexico
- 5-8 California
- 5-8 Guajillo
- 4-6 Cascabelle (optional)
- 5-10 Habanero
If you have any trouble finding these Chiles, let me know and I can send them to you. We are headed out for vacation so give me a couple weeks to send them off. 
Three cheers for Maligator ! ! !
To anyone who wants to follow, I will make the Molé when we return from our vacation (25th anniversary!), and post step by step instructions with pictures. I know I have posted my mole exactly 324,871 times before, but I have never posted the recipe with the method before. Might as well post it and make it an even 324,872 times. LOL
Get your ingredients together folks! (no worries, the secret ingredient is easy to come by for anyone but trust, you can't make the Molé without it. Shut it, THP! LOLOLOL)
Two leaks.
Not the July TD... and waiting until August might be too long to wait lol, but I am open to suggestions?
What are you thinking? PM me if you want.