Mama Lynne's Gourmet Hot Sauce

Hello everyone I just wanted to put our new site out there! We have finally decided to make a website and sell what the family has enjoyed over the years. Mama Lynne's Gourmet Hot Sauce. I hope you guys enjoy the site, and if your interested please don't hesitate to order :).
Good luck with your foray into the hot sauce biz. You may want to have a professional web designer fix your site up. The product images are all stretched, and the design looks very dated and free-website-like. There are also a few grammatical errors. I'm just pointing it out so you can make an impact onto the scene. I wish you luck.

PM me if you need tips.
Thanks man! Yea it is deff. going to go back under construction soon. I have to take pics of the sauce's my self I used ones my grandfather sent me. But if your willing I will deff. send you a PM for some tips!
Yeah I think I can help you spiff it up with a few tips. I'll put a PM together tonight or tomorrow.
welcome to the forum!

Checked out the website, some nice looking flavors. Good Luck with your venture!
