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seeds managed to save a seedling

my #1 pest here -> our stupid cat, broke the main stem of this 6 week old pepper seedling by pushing the softpot off the platform. It was also uprooted and almost dead-dry when I got back home from work last Monday. I re-planted the what is left of the plant hoping that I can still save it. I even plugged the upper part hoping that I could clone it.. Today I took this pic of that plant having new growth. Hopefully it will recover fully... with nice forks. :)

Good luck with that - I think you and I have posted on the same thread before about the cats mangling seedlings. I am not going to try seedlings again until my son moves out with his cat!
my #1 pest here -> our stupid cat, broke the main stem of this 6 week old pepper seedling by pushing the softpot off the platform. It was also uprooted and almost dead-dry when I got back home from work last Monday. I re-planted the what is left of the plant hoping that I can still save it. I even plugged the upper part hoping that I could clone it.. Today I took this pic of that plant having new growth. Hopefully it will recover fully... with nice forks. :)

have you tried spreading coffee grounds around the area? or your pee? that might help marking your territory so it doesn't just move around your growing area. that's if you and your family can stand the smell of wiwi.

looks like that plant with a broken off stem is growing back nicely. it'll bounce bank and might even become better for it. good luck with that.
Good luck with that - I think you and I have posted on the same thread before about the cats mangling seedlings. I am not going to try seedlings again until my son moves out with his cat!

yes that was me. :D I'm also the one who inquired where you got your very nice variegated basil :) That cat is a stray cat that by brother saved from being roadkill and that is how he shows his gratitude.

have you tried spreading coffee grounds around the area? or your pee? that might help marking your territory so it doesn't just move around your growing area. that's if you and your family can stand the smell of wiwi.

looks like that plant with a broken off stem is growing back nicely. it'll bounce bank and might even become better for it. good luck with that.

Tried the coffee already. I don't want to use wiwi method even though its mine. :D Only crushed chillis do well but I don't want to waste pods just for that bakaneko :D
I have 2 cats that are thundertails. They will walk by and sweep stuff off with their tails or beat things down with their tails. I pick things up that used to be on low shelves all the time when they have been thru. I try not to let them into my workshop else stuff on the bottom shelves will be on the floor and I have enough stuff on the floor out their from my own clumsiness. That and, as one of them is an indoor cat, she will tear at the dirt in pots and chew leaves and stems. I try too hard to get the dang plants growing to let the cat have at it.
yeah i now plant in a cat free area. if they take a whizz on your plants it's all over! been there!

darn cats are whizzing in my compost pile! lol. but then that might actually help it....
I have no experience composting, but while I've heard for years that manure makes good compost, I've never heard anyone say that whizz makes good compost. It sure kills seedlings... also courtesy of my son's cat.

The cat I used to have would leave seedlings alone, but would bite off flowers. You could tell she knew better, too. She'd start sidling up to a pot, and I'd very harshly tell her "no!" She'd stop, then start to act like she was walking away, then BAM! She'd snap off a flower head, then run for her life.
fresh wiwi will kill plants. but when it's diluted it does help plants....not that i've tried it... lol.... just read about it.....

fresh wiwi is too strong and burns plants leaves and roots.... urea fertilizer is from urine afaik. =D

urine contains lots of good stuff for plants... beneficial bacteria, nitrogen, phosphorous and micro nutes.... according to the stuff i've read.... there's even this dude i watch on youtube (has a gardening channel) that tends to piss on his rosebush and it's like 10 feet tall and full of flowers.
I think cats are among nature's most fascinating animals in the wild. To this day, I have never seen any reason for their domestication as pets. Yes, they can be great mouse hunters, but there are plenty of other means to control pests.
I think cats are among nature's most fascinating animals in the wild. To this day, I have never seen any reason for their domestication as pets. Yes, they can be great mouse hunters, but there are plenty of other means to control pests.
Then you haven't met a fantabulous cat! (My son's cat, unfortunately, is admittedly not one of them, though, as she had been mishandled by her first owners. Better to get a cat as young as possible so you can socialize it correctly.) A cat that is properly socialized (and doesn't have personality problems) is very friendly, loves to be with people and is wonderful to have around. And they'll even play fetch, if you're into that sort of thing. In my experience, you have to raise a cat as if you were one, yourself, which means you have to be the one in charge, and take clues from how they behave with each other in the wild. Otherwise, the cat will take the dominant position in the relationship, and all bets are off. Still and all, friendly or not, some do have quirks (like going after plants) that socializing won't change. They are rather like people that way.
Cats are notoriously evil little creatures, from smashing peppers to territorial urine marking of your homes interior and exterior to attacking small children. The only true humanitarian solution to a cat is a dog, mans best friend will keep these demonic creatures at bay and protect you and your family from the evils that haunt mankind.
Cats are notoriously evil little creatures, from smashing peppers to territorial urine marking of your homes interior and exterior to attacking small children. The only true humanitarian solution to a cat is a dog, mans best friend will keep these demonic creatures at bay and protect you and your family from the evils that haunt mankind.

Either you are trying to be funny or do not realize that you could replace the word cat with dog in your indictment and your comment would be just as accurate.
"Dogs are notoriously evil little creatures, from smashing peppers to territorial urine marking of your homes interior and exterior to attacking small children."

Your pepper being a fishy variety is probably why the cat had at it.
well my dog isn't evil. she's protective. she just ends up stepping on my plants coz she chases around those fiendish cats. lol.

so i'm gonna whizz around my plants to keep them cats away.