• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MangroveMike's Grow log 2013

Ok everyone,
I meant to post up pics from the when I first started my plants but tapatalk wont let me. I finally got my computer back so I can sit down and upload a couple pics. Id like some input and opinions of my progress with my plants. This is my second year growing pepper's and i am really looking forward to getting some pods. I am only growing 3 varieties Orange habanero, Numex twilight and jalapeño. I had some Aji amarillo and thai dragon plants but only did a couple of each and gave them to friends. How do I post pic's? I cant seem to figure it out on here. 
Go to the upper right side of the page where your name is... click the drop down tab and proceed into your "gallery"... it will be blank.  Click where it says upload... and there ya go.. create an album and upload your photos. :party:
Noah Yates said:
Go to the upper right side of the page where your name is... click the drop down tab and proceed into your "gallery"... it will be blank.  Click where it says upload... and there ya go.. create an album and upload your photos. :party:
Dont u have to be an extreme member for that?
To post pic's u'd best get a Photobucket account and upload the pics there 1st. Then while making a comment (or a topic) u can add your image by clicking on
the image tool (left under the tool where u add smilies for posts) and paste the DIRECT LInK from your photobucket image in the popup screen.
I am not having any luck. Any of the photo bucket or imgur links say I cant use them on this site. *EDIT figured out Flickr. Thanks Fellas! Heres a few pic's.

Heres a couple of my Numex twilights. They are around 10 weeks old and just starting to flower. Well I pinched off the first couple sets and let them grow a little bigger.
MangroveMike said:
I am not having any luck. Any of the photo bucket or imgur links say I cant use them on this site. *EDIT figured out Flickr. Thanks Fellas! Heres a few pic's.

---edit--- just cut out the pictures from MangroveMike to make the post smaller---------------
Photobucket u need to copy the DIRECT link to the image u selected, then u can use them
see picture below :

Then u click this Icon on the board here to post it :

Then this window pops open en then u ctrl-v it to paste it here and then your image will appear directly

Hope this has helped u,
PepperDaddler said:
I use the image link to do the same thing. They may both work.
When I use the image link it says I'm not authorized to use this kind of method..
So I do it like I described in my post, but i guess any way u can get the pics on here is fine :party:
as long as it works :)