Manure and FSMA

Reading threw the Food Safety Modernization Act I found some very strange rules.

Raw Manure - Am I reading this right?  According to FSMA, crops can be grown with raw manure as long as harvest is 90 days after application for crops that do not touch the ground and 120 days for crops that do touch the ground.  So if you grow strawberry on top of raw manure and it takes 120 days for fruit, you are fine?  Seriously?  I have always thought manure should be aged for a year if growing a food crop for human consumption.  90 days?

Does anyone else think this is insane?  I really thought you had to age manure at least a year, but this seems to say you can grow potato in poop as long as it takes 120 days.  I really dont want to eat poop potatoes.  You?