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Manzano varieties

The only references I have seen thus far have been made to the orange variety. I stopped by chance into a local Mexican grocery last night and out of a whole bin of orange manzanos, I obtained the sole red one out of the bunch. what should I expect from the red that may differ from the orange, if anything?
Red and Orange Manzano.jpg
Great find!!!
Other than the flavor, they should be similar.... :P
Heat should be about the same, texture as well. The flavor difference is just that yellow pod -  red pod difference. I usually prefer red pods if there is a red/yellow/orange group of pods. Yellow/orange pods tend to be slightly less fruity and have more subtle flavors, but they are tend to be a bit sweeter. 
Keep the seeds for the red one - I`m sure you`ve already decided to do that!
Thanks Nigel, 
And yes, I will be saving the seeds. That is primarily why I jumped on this.
A taste now maybe, but a supply of pods later this year.
As I type this I am slicing up and immensely enjoying the red manzano. It is exactly as you said. Less sweet but more fruity. The one thing that really takes you though is, it is so easy to forget you are eating a hot pepper, at least for a while!
red manzano/rocoto are a very tasty pepper. no problem eating one in a sitting as you just keep going back for more with that thick flesh. of course, don't chew the seeds, they have to be the hardest things to chew.
friday night i tossed some orange manzano that i have in the freezer into a beef stew, of course i had to intensify the heat with a red scorpion that wasn't ripening on the plant. but when i find them, i buy a bag and leave a few out before freezing them so i can snack on the fresh pods.
all being said, many red peppers seem to have the red pepper undertone about them. i found paper lantern to be like that of the red rocoto, a pepper that wasn't so hot that avoided flavour but enough to give you an appreciation of the that red pepper hue taste.