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Manzano vs Rocoto

I see little or no difference in general other than name.

I see RED especially called rocoto AND people calling pods I KNOW came from Mexico also rocotos.

I think the name only relates to where it was grown in general-Rocoto,Manzano,Locoto or whatever.

A lot of people go by pod shape but I get Bell looking pods and egg,round,squash shaped and banana shaped pods of of the same plant.

There is no difference in general except in name.

Pubes are Pubes.
Name only is a name given from where it was from originally.

What is Ecuador Red?
A small egg shaped Pube...Very early AND heavy producer...
I see a lot of stuff grown from seeds I got from S. American AND N. Ca. pods called both Rocoto AND Manzano by the people I gave seeds to.
Rocoto is a variety within the pubescens family. Manzano - little apple - specifically refers to a red pubescens that is roughly apple-shaped. Canario, on the other hand, refers to a yellow rotocoto.
It was explained to me like this.
In Mexico - Manzano, regardless of colour
In Peru - Rocoto, regardless of colour
In Bolivia - Rocoto OR Locoto, regardless of colour
The closer you get to Mexico = Manzano (i.e. Guatemala etc)
The closer you are to Peru = Rocoto (i.e. Ecuador etc)
They are also called Caballo and Canario, Caballo referring to Horse I assume it means horse testis by the shape of them and Canario referring to the color of the pepper.  But as stated before they are all the same, they just vary in shape and color which run in several colors, White, Red, Orange, Brown,  