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hot-sauce Margery Home Made Pepper Sauce



Margery Home Made Pepper Sauce

Ingredients: Pepper, Garlic, Onion, Carrots, Vinegar, Mustard, Salt, Soya Oil, Mayonnaise
Another local Trinidad sauce from the grocery store. This one has a nice old granny on the label, I assume this is Margery. Also, the name promises "home made" and all the Trinis I have spoken to have told me their favourite pepper sauces are the ones their mother/aunt/gran made so I had high hopes. I didn't really pay attention to the ingredients when I bought it (I would check for extract if shopping in Texas but not here) and am very surprised to find mayonnaise on the list! Quite what mayonnaise is doing in a sauce, is beyond me.

On opening the bottle you get a sharp whiff of vinegar. Also, the sauce seems to be very watery on first inspection. A "shake well" may be advisable on the label as they sauce isn't as watery as initially appears, just that the solids have settled somewhat to the bottom. It's still pretty watery though - perhaps some xantham gum would help. Looking at the colour, it seems to be mostly red and perhaps yellow scotch bonnets as the "pepper" with more orange coming from the carrot.
The taste is very tart - a lot of vinegar in Margery, similar to Tabasco. But not a great deal in the way of flavour - mostly heat and garlic. There is some smoothness which I suspects comes from the mustard. Overall, it's reasonable and edible sauce but not one that stands out for me. On the heat side, the sauce is fairly spicy but not so much that I can't eat it plain. Here's a sandwich dosage pic:

A cute label, an average sauce but too much vinegar and not enough flavour to make it a repeat buy. Now please do give me your thoughts - my last review has had many views but absolutely no comment!
I doubt I will ever see Margery's sauce around my neck of the woods but thanks anyway!  Now how about finding some of them weird Trinidadian chilis and eating those for us?
Great review Kuhan (Siv)! 
Good pictures and use of descriptive words painting a picture of something I will never try based on your assessment. Keep up da great reviewing mon!
Edit: all out of "like this" so I'll hit you up when I get more, hehe
Thanks for the feedback. One thing that surprises me is the "keep refrigerated" on the side. I think this may really be a small home made sauce where they are putting more vinegar than necessary to keep safe since there is probably little or no food regulation that they have to keep up with.
I've got about an inch left in the bottle which will probably not last more than a day or two. I hope my next sauce is a keeper!
Siv said:
... ... I hope my next sauce is a keeper!
Why not make your own, since I started making my own a few years back I'll rarely buy some ... other than when I’m really curious about a specific sauce but only one or two at a time. With all that vinegar it’s definitely not a fermented based sauce.
WalkGood said:
Why not make your own [snip]
I tried - see this. Right now, I'm buying because there are so many natural sauces to try but I will start making my own when I find a place to buy habs & 7-pots. When I'm back in Houston, I'll start growing.