Mariachi Peppers

As many of you know, this is my first year growing peppers and therefore, also my first year trying a bunch of new varieties. One of these being the Mariachi Pepper. Here is the description take from Burpee:

Hot Pepper Mariachi Hybrid
2006 All-America Winner. Perfect when you want a blast of color but just a hint of heat, the compact 18-24" plants yield loads of 4", coned shaped fruits that change brilliantly from creamy yellow to bright red all summer, yet taste spicy but only mildly hot.
Freeze to provide fresh spicy peppers all winter.
Early and continuously productive.
65 days.

Well, I left one plant alone (not pinching the flowers) and today was given a rip pod...The pod was a brilliant red with smooth skin. It reminded me of a smaller version of a Jalapeño. I cut the pod in half long ways and ate 1 half without the seeds first. :shocked: This pepper was fantastic!!! It has the same meaty texture as a Jalapeño but the flavors are out of this world...Imediatly upon chewing it, I noticed that this pepper was really sweat tasting. At first, there was no heat to really speak of, but half way through the 2nd half, the heat crept up and caught up. I re-read the description that Burpee gave this pepper and I disagree with the heat scale. I found this pod to be about the same amount of heat as a good Jalapeño, just with more flavor than the Jalapeño. It almost reminded me of a sweet red bell pepper, but with some fire. I'd say that this pepper was hot enough that non-chili heads would think it was too hot.

I have plans of stuffing these with hot Italian sausage that was made with Habaneros and serving them with a tomato sauce. I can almost taste them now....If only it would warm up enough to get all of my plants outside and in the ground...LOL

I wish now that I had the frame of mind to snap a few pictures, but I have a couple more pods getting ready to ripen that I can photograph later.
Sweat tasting? That doesn't sound too nice... hehehe. Had to say it, sorry. I never tried these Mariachi peppers, but they sound good. Only bad thing is the low heat. I like my chiles to blow my head off when I try them.
Sounds good. I love the flavor or a red bell pepper so I imagine if you add in a little heat you have a great pepper.

I'll have to add this to my wish list for next season.