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indoor Mark what flowers have been pollinated

I'm wondering if anyone got any tips on how you keep control over which pepper flowers have been pollinated and not? Would i be able to use a penn marker to mark the flower with a dot without harming the flower/plant?

Sometimes its hard to remember which flowers been pollinated already so trying to find a way to mark it or something without harming the flower any ideas?
My issue arent really how to pollinate them but to keep track on which one have been pollinated already as i feel i maybe sometimes pollinate the same flower over and over many times which maybe can be one of the reasons the flower drop aswell as im touching it to much with a Q-tip

In nature a flower can get pollinated hundreds of times per day (each time a bee visits it). A flower can't really be overpollinated. As for markings ink on the petals won't hurt they fall anyway. Straws or twine are also viable options.
My issue arent really how to pollinate them but to keep track on which one have been pollinated already as i feel i maybe sometimes pollinate the same flower over and over many times which maybe can be one of the reasons the flower drop aswell as im touching it to much with a Q-tip

The video above shows one method I use to mark my hybrids so I don't loose track of which ones I pollinated. Those plastic straws on the stem and pedicle aren't actually growing on the plant.... They were added to keep track of the cross.
In nature a flower can get pollinated hundreds of times per day (each time a bee visits it). A flower can't really be overpollinated. As for markings ink on the petals won't hurt they fall anyway. Straws or twine are also viable options.
There are a limited number of ovules in any ovary. Once each one is pollinated by a separate pollen (gamete) any more pollen added will be a waste of time.
There are a limited number of ovules in any ovary. Once each one is pollinated by a separate pollen (gamete) any more pollen added will be a waste of time.
True. But it won't cause a flower to drop

Thanks, i guess i misunderstood the video abit in start then, sorry.

But yea all them flowers is a bit hard to remember so ive been pollinating them many times and sometimes the flower drops, so i was worried that maybe my fingering the flower to much with pollen could be the cause of flower sometimes just fall of but i guess from what ive understand now of this is thats not the case
You want to remove the petals as that attracts insects to pollinate your flower in the first place. Emasculating a flower is a must for any serious hybridizer. Handling the flower repeatedly can accidentally damage the pedicle as well. You have to learn to be very gentle and support the pedicle if you must touch it.
Found this video of mine showing multiple ways I have had success with marking my crosses. These are not my only techniques, but they do work very well.
If you are interested, I have more methods of marking my plants for cross pollination as well as videos on how to store and collect pollen for later use on my youtube page. Make the crosses you want to make and don't let what is currently blooming dictate your crosses.
If you are interested, I have more methods of marking my plants for cross pollination as well as videos on how to store and collect pollen for later use on my youtube page. Make the crosses you want to make and don't let what is currently blooming dictate your crosses.
Thanks, already subscribed your youtube couple days ago and have watched some of them already. im collecting pollen of my bird eye chili and trying to add that onto the reaper chili but the reaper chili is being difficult, have a second reaper plant that is about to flower in hope it will be less difficult.

The issue with being gentle could be an issue for me because my hands shake a bit so i dont have any steady hands, i probably would do more damage if i tried to cut the petals of, its indoors im growing atm so the only insects reaching my chili atm is those annoying small black flies, but i have glue traps and wine traps out for them that either gets em stuck in the wine or stuck in the glue that have helped extremly much
Thanks, already subscribed your youtube couple days ago and have watched some of them already. im collecting pollen of my bird eye chili and trying to add that onto the reaper chili but the reaper chili is being difficult, have a second reaper plant that is about to flower in hope it will be less difficult.

The issue with being gentle could be an issue for me because my hands shake a bit so i dont have any steady hands, i probably would do more damage if i tried to cut the petals of, its indoors im growing atm so the only insects reaching my chili atm is those annoying small black flies, but i have glue traps and wine traps out for them that either gets em stuck in the wine or stuck in the glue that have helped extremly much
I have a Capsicum annuum 'Bryan's Blood' x C. chinense 'Pockmark Peach' that is clearly showing signs of being dominant C. chinense... albeit with my cross I used C. chinense pollen and an annuum as the fruiting plant. When something is difficult to take one way you may find you have better luck simply making the reciprocal cross or making more attempts.
I have a Capsicum annuum 'Bryan's Blood' x C. chinense 'Pockmark Peach' that is clearly showing signs of being dominant C. chinense... albeit with my cross I used C. chinense pollen and an annuum as the fruiting plant. When something is difficult to take one way you may find you have better luck simply making the reciprocal cross or making more attempts.
i have managed to be able to cross pollinate bird eye pollen with reaper, it looks like reaper so its probably not 100% cross yet, but once the fruit is ripped il take the seeds of it and grow a new one from the reaper plant and continue with my goal.

i have managed to be able to cross pollinate bird eye pollen with reaper, it looks like reaper so its probably not 100% cross yet, but once the fruit is ripped il take the seeds of it and grow a new one from the reaper plant and continue with my goal.

What is your particular goal with that cross? Just curious as to what directions you may have in mind down the road.
What is your particular goal with that cross? Just curious as to what directions you may have in mind down the road.
i want to create my own chili, was thinking maybe i could be able to make it more flavorful and less strong for being a reaper by cross mixing it with a weaker chili, the bird eye chili is around 100.000 scoville, i eat that raw without issue. but im not so sure about reaper if il manage to eat that raw, i will find out once they ripe.

since my father have a thai wife i have been grown up with spicy food, so i have gotten a kind of love for chili and have chili on everything i eat even on non asian food il have chili on my potatoes even in salads, So i wanted to try to make my own type of chili variant with maybe more flavor, and was thinking it could be a good idea to try the strongest chili VS a weaker chili that i can eat raw which is bird eye chili that are used in alot of thai dishes.